A lot of you reading this probably already know me personally from WWII reenactments but for those who don't, here you can get to know me a little bit. I am passionate about civilian women's wear in WWII Germany. I think it is underrepresented and super fascinating. When I started doing German Civilian back in 2018, there was not much out there on the internet or in published sources so in building my impression I used a lot of my personal collection that I had taken years prior to build up. After a while, I thought there would be many others that would possibly want access to this information and so I started this blog to make my research and part of my collection available to the public. After attending events, I found out I was right (geeze, that's a great feeling, ha!) and that there were LOTS of women interested in doing German civilian but did not know where to start. There were also a lot of guys who wanted their wives, girlfriends, and families to participate in dressing up but did not know how to help them. There was an abundant of content available for those wanting an Allied impression, but Axis was another point entirely. So here we are. . . Compared to Allied, there is still not much out there but now there is more than there was before.
A little more about me, I wear vintage all the time. It is part of my real wardrobe. Not only do I wear it, I also collect it. I also sew many of my own clothes using vintage patterns and fabrics. For those interested in my vintage fashion looks, I do have a sister blog: The Authentic Vintage of Norma Williams. I love cats, sewing, cooking, baking, cheese, and movie nights in. For my day job, I am actually a farmer, so I spend most of my time covered in dirt and sweat.
Want to contact me? You can do so via email at:
That's the best way to get a hold of me. I am happy to help you in building your impression or sharing some research about this topic. Keep in mind, this research is for historical, reenactment or film purposes!!! This is a non-political and drama free zone!!
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