To get into the Christmas spirit I thought it would be a great time to share some of the Christmas photos in my collection of a family celebrating in (I think) a prewar or else an early war Germany. There are no dates written on these photos (except for one) but based on the other photos in the album and the hair, clothes, and presence of some uniformed men, I am guessing the photos in the album date from the late 20s/ early 30s and very early 1940s. These photos are of the same people but I suspect from two different homes or parties because the room interiors and the trees are slightly different. I have suspected that one of the parties was taken possibly in a different year but I am not sure because only one photo has a scribble on the back of "34" . . .so possibly 1934??
Regardless, these photos offer a beautiful insight into a Christmas Party in, I am guessing, prewar Germany. We can see the decorations of the trees; the attire of the people and we can see that someone was possibly given a photograph as a gift. If you look closely, one woman is wearing what may be a festive corsage on the front of her dress.
Studying the trees, they are adorned with tinsel and lots of it. They are holding ornaments, but they are very few, letting the tree and the tinsel shine. Some of the trees appears to be adorned in lights. I love the boldly printed tablecloth and the aprons the ladies are wearing. What charms me the most about the aprons is that they almost match but not quite. I have to wonder if the aprons were gifts, made at home. In these photos the tree seems to be the focal point in the parties and in the photos.
These photos offer a wealth of details that speak for themselves, and I can only imagine just how precious these photos, and the memories they held, became for those in the images. Especially as the war dragged on.
This photo may be from the year 1934, it has a "34" scribbled on the back. It is the only one with a marking. |
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