What a great look with lots of layers and interest. Not only that but what a comfortable and casual look. If you look closely, there is a coat, a blouse (possibly worn under ( I am thinking) a sweater??), low heeled shoes, socks, and a skirt that ends just at or slightly above the knee. There is so much going on in this look! I guess we will start at the footwear and work our way up. She is wearing a very simple and practical show with a very low heel. I think this is really important to note because I encounter a lot of people who cannot wear heels of any height at reenactments. I am guessing that her heel height is less than an inch tall. With the shoes, she is wearing socks! Socks are a great alternative to stockings. Socks are more affordable, more accessible, and very period correct.
Moving up, let's talk about her skirt. Period skirts typically ended at or below the knee but as you can see, that is not the case here. It looks like her skirt hem may be hitting just above her knees. Her top could be a blouse but the shadowing is looking like she may even be wearing a V necked sweater. If you looked closely and have been following this series so far, we have seen this girl before and she is find of separates. Her coat is a plain one. Her coat ends below the knee, has a nice collar, and no cuffs. It is a plain and very serviceable coat.

Her hair is a very simple style. It looks like her hair of swept off her face and secured to keep it confined. Most of the hair is focused in the back of the head and looks to have a great deal of volume.
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