German Fashion in Photos #10


Today instead of one photo, you get two. Both photos show the same woman admiring the view and from these two photos we can get a better look at her casual outfit for exploring the countryside. The lady is wearing a dark skirt and what looks like a plaid jacket. Her head wear is a plain band, possibly a scarf to keep her hair away from her face. Her shoes are dark and appear to have a low heel. She is wearing, I think nylons. How can I tell these may be nylons? 

Look at her face and then look at her legs, her legs are darker. If you look at her legs, there is a slight sheen where the light is bouncing off the nylon material. Nylons, seamed stockings, have a distinct sheen to them that shows up well in photos. Why do I think they are nylons and not a cotton or wool stocking? The darkness of the legs is not too opaque and that sheen. I have photos of women wearing a wool or cotton stocking and they have a certain density to them. . . Hey, that could be a blog post by itself. . . Comparing leg wear of women in photos. 

Can we take some time to mention the civilian man in the photo too? I am not well versed in men's wear, I admit it, but that looks like a pretty snappy suit he has on. 

Can we also take the time to enjoy that view?! I can see why they stopped to admire it because I would have too. 
