German Fashion in Photos #11


I think this photo deserves a much better title than just "German Fashion in Photos #11", but I could not think of anything. As far as fashion goes, there is not too much to see here. The woman is wearing a dress, belted, and has a large and ruffled jabot at the neckline. Her hair is plain and unadorned. She is wearing a beautiful smile and is enjoying the company of the man next to her which I am sure you could tell is in the German army. There is not much to say about this photo because I think it can speak for itself in its own way. I have no idea who this woman is, and I have no idea who this man is aside from the fact they live in my collection in the same album. This particular album depicts the same people over and over and gives an intimate insight into their lives. 

This is one of my favorite photos because it makes the German woman and those she lived with more human and more relatable. These women loved, struggled, and lived. Although I focus on clothes here, a frivolous pursuit I admit, clothes are an intimate part of our lives because they are a reflection of the larger world and also the more intimate sphere of the person. 
