A Photograph Collection of German Brides from Randy Mckeithan


This post is only possible because of the generosity of Randy McKeithan so thank you!! I was not sure how I wanted to present these in particular because bridal can be a topic all on its own and its one that I am not too familiar with. Bridal wear is a unique blend of the trendy, traditional, and personal. These photos are of the Brides, their new Husbands, and Families. These photos really pack a punch as far as detail goes from the bridal attire to civilian wear and even uniforms. For the civilian wear, there is women's, men's, and children's. 

I've decided to present these photos together because I wanted to show that each bride is unique. Some are wearing the traditional white gown and one, at the end, chose an elegant blouse and skirt. She is probably the most nontraditional bride in terms of clothes, but I think that really gives this collection some depth and variety. I think it hints at the war as well with the shortages it created. Yet despite the war and what resulted because of it, these families still tried to continue to maintain their lives and create a future despite the uncertainty. Enjoy these beautiful photographs! 
