Period Solutions for Short Hair


Earlier this year I was helping a great girl build her German civilian impression. Her biggest hurdle was what to do with her hair. She did not know what style would work with it because it was super short, and she really did not want to wear a wig because of the heat that can be experienced at some events. To find a solution for her, I turned to my period magazines and photos. In my photos I could not find any period looks for super short hair but in my magazines I most certainly did. She was as delighted as I was because the styles we found in the magazines looked so close to how she currently wears her naturally curly and very short hair. 

In my 1941 and 1943 magazines I found a small sample of some period styles that would be appropriate for anyone who has super short hair that is worn above the collar of any neckline. These styles all make use of curly hair though, no straight hair so that is an important detail. These styles are also in the very slim minority so they must not have been too popular but nonetheless they are present. I think for the modern woman, these examples are great if you are working with short modern hair and need a period appropriate look. These examples are pulled right from an original magazine too so how perfect are they for fixing a modern problem with a period source of inspiration? Enjoy!
