Hair & Makeup Tutorials

 When it comes to this hobby and getting the look right, the number one question I get is how to do correct hair and makeup. This makes sense too because having the right clothes is one thing, but a great set of clothes can be ruined with an incorrect hair and makeup look. German hair and makeup, I think, is easier than British or American because German women kept the makeup to a minimum so really, you shouldn't have to worry about it, that just leaves hair. German hair does not have to be elaborate; it can be simple and that should help you in creating a complete look.  Another question that I get often is how to wear hats. I will admit, if you are not familiar with wearing 40s hats, how to wear some of them and how to get them to stay put can be daunting. I will cover that topic over time as well. 

I will be slowly and gradually adding some more hair and makeup tutorials to this site over time. To help you find them easier, I am creating a special page right here that will compile all of them over time in one convenient spot. If you ever have a look that you want to see recreated, let me know in the comments below or hit me up under the "contact" section of the blog. I am happy to entertain requests. 

How to Wear a 1940s Tilt Hat and Keep it on Too

How to Tie a 1940s Turban

Tutorial for a Pompadour and Light Makeup Look 

A Collection of Hair and Makeup tutorials with Original Photos for Reference 

The side-by-side comparison of a typical American look and the ideal German look. Sometimes to understand the importance of details, we need to see them. 
